Easy Meal Preps

Everyone wants meal prep, but for some reason there is a taboo that it is complicated, it takes too much time and it is easier and more cost effective to buy food outside. Today I want to explain how all the above is false and how preparing your meals in advance will help you be more organized, eat less, be more fit and save money.

Meal prep is complicated

The key is to arrive at the supermarket with a list and the very clear idea of what you are going to buy. This will prevent you from wasting time and money. Therefore, the list is the key to success and the first step towards a successful prep meal.


Meal prep takes too much time:

Let’s say your menu of the week is salmon with vegetables and quinoa.

You cook all the salmon (1 pound) in 20 minutes.

While you are cooking it, sauté the vegetables, 10-15 minutes

And in another pot you cook the quinoa for 15 minutes.

Voilà You made food in about half an hour.

Buying food outside is more cost effective

Approximate prices:

Quinoa: $ 8

Mushrooms: $ 6

Asparagus: $ 7

Salmon: $ 20

$ 41, let’s put $ 50 with tax

Divide that between 5 days

$ 10 per day

And you will say, «But, a combo at McDonalds comes out $ 5 a day.»

But think about the nutritional value of your food. How much would a delicious salmon with vegetables cost you in a restaurant?

Probably $ 15 the plate.

I know you are probably going to buy more things at the supermarket, but we decided to use just one example meal so you can see how, many times, we drowned in a glass of water as far as meal prep is concerned. The organization is key! Do you make meal prep? How do you do it? Send us your comments!

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